Tag Archives: reoffense rates
…better than 85% of individuals with sex offense convictions, function safely in society without reoffending
The uncontroverted field research on sex offense recidivism, for the past thirty years, has demonstrated that the 5-10 year recidivism rates for those with sex offense convictions ranges from 5% to 15%. Commentators have criticized such studies as not accounting … Continue reading
Posted in Contrary to popular belief...
Tagged recidivism, reoffense rates, underreporting
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…individuals with sex offense convictions have one of the lowest recidivism rates of any ex-offender
In a study published by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2004, except for those with prior homicide convictions, individuals with sex offense convictions have the lowest recidivism rate of all ex-prisoners, upon release into the community.